Dot Navigation

jQuery Plugin

dotNavigation is a fully customizable jQUery Plugin to create an iPhone style page navigation. It converts the image links into icons and divides these icons in pages as per the options specified in the initialization.


Web Design


jQuery, CSS, HTML

jQuery Plugin

12.01.2010, 2 Days

Overview & Demo

Dot Navigation is a fully customizable JQUery Plugin to create an iPhone style navigation.The width of the required container, number of icons in each row and the number of icons on a page decides the final width and height of each icon. The plugin has been tested for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and IE 8+. The overflow problem in IE for versions less than 8 has still not been handled.

There are a couple of better implementation for iPhone style Gallery. They work like a slide show for the gallery images. Infact one of them had mouse drag slide animations over the screen to incorporate the touch effect. This implementation however focuses on creating a customizable link gallery suited to fit number of icons with respect to the width on the web page.

Download Link!

Options & Configuration

The options can be used to exploit the full set of features of dotNavigation.
The options used for the demo above are:

		noIcons:16,          //number of icons to be displayed on a page
		numIconsInRow:4,     //number of icons to be displayed in a row
		widthContainer:240,  //width of the required container
		aspectRatio:1        //aspect ratio of the icon [width of the image/height of the image]

The complete set of Options with their default values :

	widthContainer:300,  //Width of the required container
	noIcons: 4,  //Number of Icons to be displayed on a page
	numIconsInRow:2,  //Number of Icons to be displayed in a row
	marginIcon:5,  //Margin around the icons
	borderIcon:1,  //Width of the border around the icon
	borderIconColor:'black',  //Color of the border
	paddingIcon:0, //Padding between the border and the Image
	paddingBottomIcon:0,  //Esp. give to achieve a poloroid effect
	'aspectRatio':1  //Aspect Ratio of the image(width of the image/height of the image)


The HTML code structure required for the plugin to work

	<div id="photoAlbum">
		<div class="slide-runner">
			<ul class="slide-container">
				<a href="#" ><div class="album-back"><img src="images/album1.jpg"></img></div></a>
				<a href="#" ><div class="album-back"><img src="images/album2.jpg"></img></div></a>
				<a href="#" ><div class="album-back"><img src="images/album3.jpg"></img></div></a>
		<div style="clear:both;"></div>
		<div class="dot-navigation"></div>

After initializing the plugin the structure changes

	<div id="photoAlbum">
		<div class="slide-runner">
			<ul class="slide-container">
				<li class="current-album-link" id="pagelink-0">
					<div class="page">
						<a href="#" ><div class="album-back"><img src="images/album1.jpg"></img></div></a>
						<a href="#" ><div class="album-back"><img src="images/album2.jpg"></img></div></a>
				<li class="album-link" id="pagelink-1"></li>
				<li class="album-link" id="pagelink-2"></li>
		<div style="clear:both;"></div>
		<div class="dot-navigation">
			<span class="current-page-nav" id="page-0"><img src="images/selected.png"></span>
			<span class="page-nav" id="page-1"><img src="images/nselected.png"></span>
			<span class="page-nav" id="page-2"><img src="images/nselected.png"></span>


Most of the size parameters has beeen taken care of by the jquery code. However the following css is required. You can easily modify to suit individul requirements.

	.slide-container a{
		-moz-border-radius:4px; //Rounded borders, effective black border and white background


	.dot-navigation span{
		margin-left:2px; //Space between the dots
		margin-right:2px; //Space between the dots

		padding-top:5px;    //Spacing between the navigation and the screen
	div#photoAlbum{ //Aligning it to fit the iphone background image
		position:relative;                      //Can be ignored, Just for demonstration